Review: Thor Ragnarok
November 7, 2017
CAUTION: May Contain Spoilers.
Now that the Led Zeppelin song is out of my head (oh wait, it is still there since they played it like 3 times during the movie), I can tell you about Thor: Ragnarok, which has been premiering in theaters near you since November 3rd.
For someone who loves Marvel movies and is a big fan of Norse mythology, hearing the title was Ragnarok was exciting. Ragnarok is the Norse apocalypse story where pretty much every god dies, including Thor, in the myths. So naturally, I was expecting a smashing hit with fights and world ending scenarios from the third movie in the Thor franchise.
I wasn’t disappointed either. While the story began pretty corny and made me wonder for the first fifteen minutes if the entire movie would be this fast paced and silly, it quickly became a space adventure with new characters, epic battles with that Led Zeppelin song screaming in the background, and many funny jokes.
The movie follows Thor after he returns to Asgard and finds his brother on the throne. Thor then enlists Loki to help him find Odin. After Doctor Strange helps the brothers find their father, they learn they have a sister Hela the goddess of death, and that she has been released from her prison.
Thor and Loki accidentally grant Hela access to Asgard, she knocks them into another world, and proceeds to take over their world. Both brothers land on a strange planet and find an old friend: The Hulk.
My favorite part of the movie is definitely the fight between the war crazed and confused Hulk and Thor. The battle is as good as promised and proves to be a difficult show down for both the god and the Hulk. Both have strengths and weaknesses.
Thor, Hulk, and their new friend Valkyrie escape and go back to Asgard to head off Hela. The movie is full of everything you expect from Marvel. I did miss Jane Foster and her friends, though, who were not in the movie. The movie also featured all of Thor’s Asgardian buddies except for Sif who I kept expecting to make an appearance but never did.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and I look forward to Marvel’s next installment.
I give this movie 5 stars.