We’ve reached the final stretch of October, and Halloween is right around the corner! There are many tales of spirits roaming during the night, but did you know that some buildings around you could be haunted too?
Fort Phantom has had a handful of ghost sightings since its establishment in 1851.
In 1938, a lake was created nearby and was promptly named “Lake Fort Phantom Hill.” Interestingly, people have reported sightings before the lake was even introduced.
“It is said that restless spirits throughout the 160+ years continue to wander the entire Fort Phantom area seeking justice for their unfortunate deaths.” (fortphantom.org)
One of the most popular urban legends of Fort Phantom is about a peculiar apparition who haunts the nearby lake. She would apparently make your headlights flicker and create a fog around your car.
In addition to the ghost stories around town, members of the Southwest Ghost Hunters Association have found paranormal activity in the ballroom and the basement of The Grace Museum before it was restored. It is said that there were electromagnetic fields located in the area in 1984. Also, odd sounds such as footsteps and turning doorknobs were reportedly heard late at night. If you’re lucky (or unlucky), you might be able to hear them for yourself!

Other locations include Whitten Inn, Wooten Hotel, and even the Paramount Theatre, visitors have seen objects disappear and a strange red-headed man. In the Wooten Hotel, people have reportedly seen a woman in an old-fashioned dress as well as hearing ghostly laughter inside. Finally, Paramount Theatre was said to have mysterious orbs appear in photographs, and footsteps could be heard inside when no one else was around.
Even if you’re not superstitious, it might just be worth it to check these places out with some friends.
Photos: abilenevisitors.com, fortphantom.org, flickr.com, paramountabilene.com
Websites used: tshaonline.org, fortphantom.org, bigcountryhomepage.com