Procrastination is a habit that many people suffer from. Procrastination is putting off tasks that one has to complete, but instead waiting until the last minute to complete said task. Most procrastination is through academic procrastination such as waiting to write an essay until the day before, or not studying until the hour before a test. Procrastination is not a new concept either by any means; Socrates even tangled with the idea of procrastination. He found the idea to be irrational in human nature. Major reasonings behind procrastination include wanting to be a perfectionist, and distractions one may find themselves caught up in.
How to Prevent Procrastination
Putting Away Electronics
- Many people spend an excess amount of time behind electronic devices, which can cause procrastination. When trying to work, perhaps put your phone in another room with a note on it that reminds you of your work that is needed to be completed.
Taking Initiative
- The first and most crucial step to preventing procrastination is to start on the task at hand. It can be as simple as just putting your name on the top of the paper. Whatever it is, just push yourself to start.
Reward and Motivate Yourself
- When you are finished working think about what you are ultimately working for. Whether it is as important as a college degree or just trying to get home from a 9-5, it is crucial to see the bigger picture of a smaller task at times.
Breaking Down the Challenge
- Another way to prevent procrastination is to focus on one small part of the task at hand. If it is a large essay you have to work on, you could just simply look at trying to complete the first paragraph or as simple as coming up with one more sentence.