The lives of students can be challenging. So therefore, they need little bits of encouragement from their teachers. But the teachers have a stressful life as well, and they need encouragement just as much.
Truly thinking about it, teachers spend the majority of their time working for the students. The state does not require them to be there like it does for students, and most everybody knows that teachers are not paid a spectacular amount. Yet, they teach, grade, and work each day trying to motivate students with smiley faces on papers, tickets, stickers, candy and more. And what do they get for it? One week in the school year named for them.
Teacher Appreciation Week is not enough to say thank you for all they have done. Same with custodians, counselors, principals and all the other people working for the school. They get one week where they may have a chance of getting a few gifts from students. There is so much more that can be done in little things.
For example, a “thank you.” Manners are getting less common as time goes on, but it means so much to people when they feel appreciated. Maybe one could put work into making a simple card or little gift. Or perhaps simply asking how they are. It doesn’t have to be an incredibly long conversation or complicated task, just something meaningful.
So many people forget how vital teachers are. Many have debates on the most important jobs. Quite a few people would say firefighters, doctors, judges, or presidents are the most important. But I present this question to them: who taught them the basic skills for those professions? Teachers did. Without teachers, who knows where we’d be. So, the least we can do is show our appreciation for them, even if only by tiny things. How can you show your appreciation this week?