There are a few new policies at Wylie High School for the 2023-2024 school year. First, there is a new policy concerning honors classes.
Students with nine unexcused absences per semester may result in removal from the honors/AP course. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the proper documentation for state and district exemptions to the attendance office within three days of the student’s return to school, or the absence may be considered unexcused. Students with a long-term illness and/or injuries will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the administration, which may result in removal from the honors/AP course. Also, if a student makes a 65 or lower in an honors class, or 70 or lower in an AP class that could cause them to get removed as well.
The exemption policy for semester exams has also been changed. The new rule is, 9th-11th grade students may be exempt from elective class exams only for the first semester, but
these students may be exempt from all exams for the 2nd semester as long as they meet the criteria. Seniors may be exempt from all exams both semesters if the criteria are met.
Finally, there are some changes being made to the dress code policy. Facial hair is now allowed as long as it looks nice and neat. Also, you can wear leggings as long as no skin shows.
So, as you go through this school year, remember these new policies and make smart choices.
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