The Abilene Buddy Walk
September 30, 2019
This September 21, the Abilene Upside Down Club hosted its 8th annual Buddy Walk at Beltway South Church. Each year, the back parking lot is full of venders, booths, and activities for people with Down syndrome, their families, and anyone else who wants to participate. Notable activities this year included a petting zoo, horse rides, a train ride, face painting, knocker ball, and most importantly, recognition of people with Down syndrome on stage.

The Abilene Upside Down Club’s mission is to educate, inform, support, and encourage the families and new parents of people with Down syndrome; organize educational and social opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome; and raise awareness and acceptance of these exceptional people. The Buddy Walk not only provides people with Down syndrome and their families a fun opportunity but also helps to foster awareness for individuals living with Down syndrome. The event is completely worked by volunteers and funded by donations to provide free activities to everyone involved.

This year, people came to the event in droves; each activity was full of people the entire time. It was refreshing to see so many people coming together to celebrate individuals with Down syndrome and enjoy a fun Saturday.
To find more information, donate, or participate in next year’s Buddy Walk, please visit
All photos taken by Elise Grimland.